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Chinas popular messaging app, WeChat, is slowly turning itself into an advertising platform.中国最风行的即时通讯应用于微信(WeChat)正在较慢地将自身改变为一个广告平台。This week, Tencent, WeChats operator, said it launched a new service in mainland China whereby companies that have verified WeChat accounts with more than 100,000 followers can pay fees to place ads on other companies official pages. The fees will be shared by Tencent and the companies that host the ads on their pages.本周微信的运营商腾讯(Tencent)宣告,将在中国内地发售一项新的服务,内容还包括:微信公众帐号可以沦为“广告主”,通过微信平台公布广告,而享有多达10万粉丝的公共帐号可以沦为“流量主”,为“广告主”展出广告。腾讯和“流量主”将可以共享广告收益。
Although WeChats core function is instant messaging, it has Facebook-like profile pages, photo-sharing and many other features. Like individual users, companies can also set up their accounts for free and accumulate followers -- somewhat like Twitter. The new advertising service, still a beta version, is Tencents latest attempt to make money through WeChat, which has about 400 million monthly active users, mainly in China.虽然微信的核心功能是即时通讯,但其享有与Facebook类似于的个人资料页、照片共享和许多其他功能。与个人用户一样,公司也可以免费开办公众账号,并累积粉丝,这在一定程度上与推特(Twitter)相似。新的发售的广告服务仍正处于测试期,这是腾讯期望通过微信赚的近期尝试;微信的月度活跃用户大约四亿,大部分在中国。
For popular messaging apps like WeChat, Silicon Valleys WhatsApp and Japans Line, one big question is whether they could one day become major advertising platforms like Facebook and Google. Line, owned by South Korean Internet firm Naver, collects monthly fees from companies that have official accounts; those companies can send promotional messages to their followers. South Koreas Kakao, another popular chat app, also offers a similar service.对于那些与微信类似于的风行即时通讯应用于,比如硅谷的WhatsApp和日本的Line,众多问题就是,它们否有朝一日不会沦为主要的广告平台,就像Facebook和谷歌公司(Google)那样。韩国互联网公司Naver旗下的Line向享有官方账号的公司每月缴纳费用;这些公司可以向其粉丝启动时广告信息。韩国的另一个风行聊天应用于Kakao也获取类似于的服务。
WeChats new service is a little different. The ads are not distributed as instant messages; they appear at the bottom of corporate pages. Advertisers can specify their target viewers based on gender, age, location and even areas of personal interests, according to Tencent. Based on those conditions, Tencents back-end system that matches advertisers and viewers will decide which corporate pages will host the ads.微信的新服务有所不同。这些广告不是像即时通讯信息那样发送到,而是经常出现在公众帐号页面的底部。
Its still too early to tell whether the new service can be successful. For this to become a major source of revenue, more consumers would have to follow corporate accounts and view their pages on WeChat.现在辨别这种新的服务能否顺利还为时尚早。只有更加多消费者加到涉及公众帐号并在微信上网页他们的页面,这种服务才能沦为一种主要的收益来源。For now, marketing opportunities through messaging apps are limited, said Forrester Research analyst Thomas Husson in a report released this week.Forrester Research分析师赫森(Thomas Husson)在本周公布的报告中称之为,目前通讯应用于获取的营销机会还很受限。Most people do not want brands to interfere on such intimate turf, he wrote. They prioritize interactions with family and friends and do not see the benefit of connecting with brands.他写到,多数人不期望在如此偷窥的领域经常出现广告,他们用于通讯应用于主要是为了和家人朋友对话,不指出与广告商联系一起有什么益处。
WeChat and other Asian messaging apps are still trying to figure out how to integrate ads into tools that are supposed to offer intimate, uninterrupted communication.微信及其他亚洲的通讯应用于仍在希望探寻如何将广告统合进聊天工具中,这些工具的设计原意是构建偷窥、不不受睡觉的交流。Still, ads are just one of several ways through which the app makers are trying to make money. WeChat, Line and Kakao have all integrated mobile games into their services already.当然,广告只是这些应用于开发商企图减少营收的几种方式中的一种。微信、Line和Kakao都早已在他们的服务中重新加入了移动游戏。
Those games are basically free, but players pay for virtual items and other additional features. Line and Kakao also sell virtual stickers that chat users can send to one another. Some apps are also trying to integrate online shopping features.所有这些游戏基本上都是免费的,但玩家可以出售虚拟世界物品及其他额外的功能。Line和Kakao还获取收费的虚拟世界图形,使用者可以在聊天中互相发送到这些图形。一些应用于还企图在其平台上重新加入在线购物功能。In the long run, some of those apps could become portals that integrate games, location-based services and shopping into a single platform, Forresters Husson wrote. If you think messaging apps are just a free way to communicate, youre missing their potential.将来来看,这些应用于中的一些可能会发展沦为集游戏、位置服务以及购物于一个单一平台的门户。